Mr. Samuel Maminimini – ManagingDirector
Samuel Maminimini has experience spanning telecommunications Operation & Maintenance, network planning, R&D, manufacturing, strategic management and marketing & sales. He has over 15 years experience in the telecommunications sector, twelve (12) of which were with the Zimbabwean PTC (Posts and Telecommunications Corporation Zimbabwe). He holds a BSc. Eng. (Hons) in Electronic & Power Engineering, and an MBA from the University of Zimbabwe. He is a Member of The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE).
Mr. Warner Mtisi – Finance Director
Warner Mtisi has over 14 years experience in banking, finance and treasury. He holds a BSc (Honours) degree from Oxford Brookes University (UK), an MBA degree from the University of Zimbabwe. He is an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and is also a member of the Institute of Directors in Zimbabwe (IODZ).
Mr. Adonia Mushosho – Chief Operating Officer
Engineer Adonia K. Mushosho has more than eighteen (18) years experience in the Telecommunications industry that covers both fixed and mobile telecommunications His extensive experience includes both national and international exposure in telecommunication planning, operations and marketing at operational and management levels. He is a holder of a BSc. (Hons) Electrical Engineering Degree and a Masters in Business Administration degree from University of Zimbabwe. Engineer Mushosho is a Fellow the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers as well as Council/Board Member of the same institution.